Previous Committees
Each Executive Committee member is elected at the end of Hilary Term and holds office until the following Hilary. Non-Executive Committee members are elected at various stages throughout the year and hold office for either one or three terms.
President: Taisiia Sazonova
Vice President: Marcell Szakály
Treasurer: Kerry Sun (TT24-MT24), Yi Jun Eng (HT25)
Information and Returning Officer: James Hua
Social Secretaries: Zoé Lienard, Gabrielle Davies, Chiara Theimer
Welfare Officers: Adrija Ghosh, Jonas Hertel
Access Officer: Sepehr Razavi
Admiral of the Fleet: Tjaark Siemssen
Arts and Culture Officer: Katherine Hearne
BAME Officer: Moosa Waraich, Sepehr Razavi
Charities Officer: Sebastian Dohnany
Disabilities Officer: Lara Hankeln
Food, Environmental and Ethics Officer (formerly Environmental and Ethics Officer): Sarah Ware
Freshers’ Officer: Oliver Douglas
LGBTQ+ Officer: Leon Hepp
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Lara Hankeln
Sports Officer: Julia Lorenz
Gender Officer: Natalie Koscelanska
Part Time and Mature Students Officer: Lucie Vaslet De Fontaubert
President: James Hua
Vice President: Julia Lorenz
Treasurer: Johannes Rosenbusch
Information and Returning Officer: Haoxuan Yin
Social Secretaries: Taisiia Sazonova, Marcell Szakály, Yiyuan Yang
Welfare Officers: Monica Hu, Billie Mitsikakos
Access Officer: Matthew Webster
Admiral of the Fleet: Jake Anderson
Arts and Culture Officer: Christian Schiøler Hansen/Haoxuan Yin
BAME Officer: Moosa Waraich
Charities Officer: Iona Thomas-Wright
Disabilities Officer: Vacant
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Iona Thomas-Wright
Freshers’ Officer: Martin Daan van IJcken
LGBTQ+ Officer: Balin Armstrong
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Elisa Sisto
Sports Officer: Suryansh Mehta
Gender Officer: Paula Heim
Part Time and Mature Students Officer: Jeremy Yao
President: James Hua
Vice President: Katherine Cuplinskas
Treasurer: Alfredas Bukys
Information and Returning Officer: Francesca Lovell-Read
Social Secretaries: Joel Quinn, Frederick Morgan, Mayur Prag
Welfare Officers: Antonia Anstatt, Nivedita
Access Officer: Robert Mitchell
Admiral of the Fleet: Oscar Patton
Arts and Culture Officer: Billie Mitsikakos
BAME Officer: Suchintan Das
Charities Officer: Kelly McClinton
Disabilities Officer: Vacant
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Iona Thomas-Wright
Freshers’ Officer: Johannes Rosenbusch
LGBTQ+ Officer: Sofía Marlasca Aparicio
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Vacant
Sports Officer: Suryansh Mehta
Gender Officer: Julia Lorenz
Part Time and Mature Students Officer: Jehanzeb Ilahi
President: Francesca Lovell-Read
Vice President: Silvia Trinczek
Treasurer: David Craig
Information and Returning Officer: Eamonn O’Keeffe
Social Secretaries: Antonia Anstatt, James Hua, Charles Tolkien-Gillett (TT21) and Lewis Fisher-Reeves (MT21 & HT22)
Welfare Officers: Georgia Acton, Lachlan Hughes (TT21) and Corinne Clark (MT21 & HT22)
Access Officer: Shekinah Vera-Cruz
Admiral of the Fleet: Henry Grub (TT21 & MT21) and Kaveeta Malhi (HT22)
Arts and Culture Officer: Cesare Vagge (TT21 & MT21) and Lucienne Pullen (HT22)
BAME Officer: Sushanta Mahanta
Charities Officer: Kelly McClinton
Disabilities Officer: India Morris
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Vacant
Freshers’ Officer: James Hua (TT21) and Frederick Morgan (MT21 & HT22)
LGBTQ+ Officer: Christian Kirk
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Juna Icaza Wilfert
Sports Officer: David Craig
Gender Officer (formerly Women’s Officer): Surbhi Karwa
President: Lucas Didrik Haugeberg
Vice President: Thomas Heywood
Treasurer: Francesca Lovell-Read
Information and Returning Officer: Charles Tolkien-Gillett
Social Secretaries: Antonia Anstatt, Lachlan Hughes and Silvia Trinczek
Welfare Officers: Clara Lepard and David Oliver
Access Officer: Vacant
Admiral of the Fleet: Henry Grub
Arts and Culture Officer: Anna Saroldi (MT20), Ruth Hopkins (HT21)
BAME Officer: Sushanta Mahanta
Charities Officer: Kelly McClinton
Disabilities Officer: India Morris
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Gloria Rosetto
Freshers’ Officer: James Hua
LGBTQ+ Officer: Alex Peplow (MT20), Vacant
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Vacant
Sports Officer: David Craig
Women’s Officer: Georgia Acton
President: India Morris
Vice President: Christian Eijsbouts
Treasurer: Colin Robertson
Information and Returning Officer: Alex Peplow
Social Secretaries: Kitty Gurnos-Davies, Sushanta Mahanta and Bora Göloǧlu
Welfare Officers Clara Lepard and David Oliver
Access Officer: Molly Clark
Admiral of the Fleet: Colin Robertson
Arts and Culture Officer: Sophia Buck
BAME Officer: Bhagya Somashekar
Charities Officer: Natasha Bradley (MT19), Madeleine Horton (HT20), Vacant (TT20)
Disabilities Officer: India Morris
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Gloria Rosetto
Freshers’ Officer: Dalia Gala
LGBTQ+ Officer: David Oliver (MT19–HT20), Leonie Woodland (TT20)
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Christopher McGarry
Sports Officer: Vacant
Women’s Officer: Carmen Jorge-Díaz (MT19–HT20), Hannah Schiller (TT20)
President: Amy Steinepreis
Vice President: Lily McElwee
Treasurer: Christian Willmes
Information and Returning Officer: Sam Gormley
Social Secretary: Christian Eijsbouts
Social Secretary: Alexandra Fergen
Social Secretary: Tito Bastianello
Welfare Officer: Federica Lazzerini
Welfare Officer: Konstantin Beyer
Access Officer: Molly Clark
Admiral of the Fleet: Heidi Hurst
Arts and Culture Officer: Diego Berdeja Suárez
Charities Officer: India Morris
Disabilities Officer: India Morris
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Stephanie Bruce-Smith
Freshers’ Officer: Laura Picot
LGBTQ+ Officer: David Oliver
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Yvette Siegert
Women’s Officer: Ines Carne
President: Lily McElwee
Vice President: Louis Halewood
Treasurer: Christian Willmes
Information and Returning Officer: Sam Gormley
Social Secretary: Amy Steinepreis
Social Secretary: Axel Almet
Social Secretary: Amar Sohal
Welfare Officer: Liisa Veerus
Welfare Officer: Divya Sridhar
Admiral of the Fleet: Ryan Burke
Arts and Culture Officer: Maggie Frainer
Charities Officer: Pascal Croake
Environmental and Ethics Officer: Laura Hankins
Women’s Officer: Kitty Gurnos-Davies
President: Timothy Foot
Vice President: Louis Halewood
Treasurer: Richard Mathers
IT Officer: Sandor Kruk
Social Secretary: Natalie Barber
Social Secretary: Joe Liotta
Social Secretary: Sam Gormley
Welfare Officer: Dylan Dahan
Welfare Officer: Ivo Gruev
Admiral of the Fleet: Ryan Burke
Arts and Culture Officer: Il-Kweon Sir
President: Alexander Karlberg
Vice President: Anne Kelly
Treasurer: Christopher Thornton
IT Officer: Ines Marusic
Social Secretary: Kasra Amini
Social Secretary: Joseph Constable
Social Secretary: Alex Pike
Welfare Officer: Suzanne Scott
Welfare Officer: Myrto Oikonomou
Admiral of the Fleet: Ryan Burke
Arts and Culture Officer: Timothy Foot
Environmental Officer: Clarissa Baerenfaenger
Freshers’ Officer: Kitty Gurnos-Davies
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Cameron Quinn
President: Alex Denhez
Vice President: Yourai Mol
Treasurer: Henrik Hannemann
IT Officer: Kwok Cheung
Social Secretary: Fanny Franchini
Social Secretary: Radhika Patel
Social Secretary: Anna Sanniti
Welfare Officer: Anne Kelly
Welfare Officer: Ivan Ramirez
Admiral of the Fleet: Ryan Burke
Arts and Culture Officer: Kasra Amini
Environmental Officer: Benedict Morrison
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Michael Fox
President: Robert Jeffrey
Vice President: Robert Machinek
Treasurer: Alexander Karlberg
IT Officer: Robert Lasenby
Social Secretary: Jena Meinecke
Social Secretary: Benedict Morrison
Social Secretary: Fiona O’Malley
Welfare Officer: Sanders Bernstein
Welfare Officer: Cayenna Ponchione
Arts and Culture Officer: Derek Hollman
Environmental Officer: Joshua Gold
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Christopher Thornton
President: Christophe Snoeck
Vice President: Pauline Souleau
Treasurer: Henry Hope
Social Secretary: Mary Boyle
Social Secretary: Tristan Franklinos
Welfare Officer: Robert Machinek
Welfare Officer: Julia Steinberg
Arts and Culture Officer: Ellen Davies, Albert Sampson
Environmental Officer: Emma Loftus
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Niels Goet
President: Stephanie Jones
Vice President: Wolf Rittershofer
Treasurer: Patrik Flammer
IT Officer: Robert Machinek
Social Secretary: Pauline Souleau
Social Secretary: Emily Lord-Kambitsch
Social Secretary: Christophe Snoeck
Welfare Officer: Kitty Dann
Welfare Officer: Amber Hood
Admiral of the Fleet: Paul Fineran
Arts and Culture Officer: Tony Chappel
Arts and Culture Officer: Anne Miles
Environmental Officer: Claire Higgins
Oxford University Student Union Officer: Chris Gray
President: Kristine Merriman
Vice President: Mandeep Singh
Treasurer: Wolf Rittershofer
Social Secretary: Stephanie Jones
Social Secretary: Amber Hood
Social Secretary: Andy Dyson
Welfare Officer: Amy Smith
Welfare Officer: Patrik Flammer
Welfare Officer: Alice May Brooke
Arts and Culture Officer: Michael Uy
Environmental Officer: Claire Higgins
President: Roman Priebe
Vice President: Mike Lee
Treasurer: James Moxness
Social Secretary: Melissa Duncan
Social Secretary: Dan Awrey
Social Secretary: Ed White
Welfare Officer: Lizzie Hunter
Welfare Officer: Harry Orlans
Welfare Officer: Wolf Rittershofer
Environmental Officer: Craig Lumb
Arts and Culture Officer: Enrico Prodi
Arts and Culture: Stephanie Jones