Environment and Sustainability
The MCR aims to increase the profile of environmental issues that affect graduates and the wider community. Together with the College and JCR, we are working to improve Merton’s environmental performance. The Committee includes a dedicated Environmental and Ethics Officer who keeps the MCR up-to-date with environmental-related events around Oxford and to whom you can address your College-related environmental concerns.
Recycling at Merton
The College has a well-established recycling system in graduate housing and the common areas, which the MCR is working to maintain and extend. All student rooms and kitchens are equipped with recycling bins. Recyclable materials accepted include most types of packaging such as hard and soft plastics, metal tins, glass jars and bottles as well as cardboard and paper. A more specific list of materials accepted for recycling is available in all student rooms.
Clothes and shoe donation banks are located both in the main College site (behind Rose Lane 1) and in the Holywell Annexe (near to C Block).
Sustainable Dining
A vegetarian option is available at every meal. The MCR liaises with the College chef Michael Wender on your behalf in response to concerns about food sourcing and the standard of vegetarian meals served in Hall. Our chef is a fan of locally-sourced food and attempts to buy seasonal fruit and vegetables when possible. Most of the ingredients used in Hall originate from British farms:
Sourced from a local, free-range supplier, our eggs are always the best
Milk has the Red Tractor assurance as a food quality and animal welfare certification
Only Rainforest Alliance-certified tea and Fairtrade coffee are served
Fresh chicken is sourced from a number of suppliers in the Cotswolds and France – however, heavily processed items such as zingers come from Thailand
Red meat is purchased from a number of British farms
The kitchen was redesigned and upgraded in 2004 to incorporate a number of energy-saving facilities such as induction stoves and pressure cookers. Raw food waste from the kitchen and dining hall is composted and used by the gardeners. Other waste is sent to council-operated anaerobic digesters outside of Oxford which generate electricity and compost.
Vegetable Garden
The graduate community maintains a small vegetable garden in which anyone can volunteer to work. The Veg Parch is located at the back of the westerly Manor Place houses.
Vegetarian Cooking Group
Merton MCR boasts a vegetarian appreciation cooking group, which meets a couple of times per term to enjoy home-cooked dinner. The Merton Veggie Appreciation Group was established in 2012 and brings students together to source fresh, local produce and cook together. For current vegetarian and vegan events, do contact our Environmental and Ethics Officer.
Other Environmental-Themed Events
The MCR hosts a couple of environmental-themed events per term, such as film screening and charity fundraisers. You are warmly encouraged to get involved in planning events and helping Merton to tackle environmental issues.
Electricity Usage at Merton
Electricity usages for most college rooms is individually metered. Students are allocated 1,000 free units of electricity per term. Any excess units are charged at £0.08 per unit. Most students do not exceed this allowance. Students are advised not to leave windows open while their heating is on and encouraged to dressing warmly indoors instead of turning heaters up.